Liu Xingwei

Liaoning Tongfang law firm   lawyer

educational background

Liaoning University - Master of law

Work results

During his practice, he acted as an agent for the bankruptcy application of huashangchen newspaper and several major non-performing asset disposal cases. In 2019, Liu Xingwei acted as the agent of the debtor of the Chinese business morning news to apply for bankruptcy planning and the agent of the applicant. It took only 180 days to complete the planning, application, declaration, termination and other bankruptcy liquidation procedures.
·During his practice, he acted as an agent for major intellectual property, foreign business, unfair competition, trade secrets and other disputes, and provided litigation and rights protection services for many brands such as xiaocan tea, Mingshi glasses and Liangzi foot road.
·Many of the cases represented by Liu Xingwei won the Supreme People's court.
·In 2019, the intellectual property litigation case represented by Liu Xingwei won the second highest compensation award in the history of the people's Court of Shenyang high tech Industrial Development Zone.

Social position

·Deputy Secretary General of intellectual property and Internet Professional Committee of Liaoning Lawyers Association
·Member of evaluation expert committee of social organization standardization construction of Shenyang Civil Affairs Bureau
·Deputy Secretary General of intellectual property and Internet Professional Committee of Shenyang Lawyers Association
·Deputy Secretary General of Shenyang Intellectual Property Association

Honors received

·In 2018, the case represented by Liu Xingwei won the excellent commercial case of Liaoning Tongfang law firm.
·In 2019, the case represented by Liu Xingwei won the civil litigation legal service award of the China world law firm alliance biennial award.