Be the master of opportunities

time:2020-12-22  author:Peng Peng  source:

Dear judges and lawyers
Good morning, everyone!
Once upon a time, as a student, a teacher, and a league cadre, I stood on the podium countless times, but standing here as a lawyer will be a new attempt and challenge in my life. It is my character to challenge myself. This is me. Please remember Peng Peng of Liaoning Tongfang law firm. The topic of my speech today is to be the master of opportunities.
I still remember that in the super hot summer of 2011 in Beijing, thousands of legal people voluntarily closed in a military auditorium to pursue their dreams, and spared no effort to prepare for the judicial examination known as "China's first examination". The 60 day closed training may not be difficult for students, but it is simply an extravagant hope for an on-the-job staff like me who is already a wife and a mother. I have passed many hurdles in Colleges and schools, and finally won that precious learning opportunity. I left my children and my husband to study in the North alone. During those days, I slept for no more than 6 hours every day. I listened to the teachers in the daytime to sort out the contents. In the evening, I had to review and check the deficiencies according to my own plan. The course is nearing the end, the examination period is approaching, and the state of mind is becoming more and more anxious, especially at the end of the phone, "Mom, I miss you!", Even more let my last point of strength fall short and tears burst out. In any case, I will insist that I will be the master of the opportunity. Maybe it is God's favor for my diligence. I passed the exam and became a lawyer.
From the internship period to the formal practice, from a small Institute to a large institute. I really realized that opportunities always favor those who are prepared. I still remember that at that time, an elder brother sitting at the table next to me practised a year earlier than me. He wore a pair of thick glasses and spoke a thick dialect of his hometown. In everyone's opinion, it was difficult to communicate with him normally, not to mention being smart. It was quite different from the image of a successful lawyer on the screen. He came to the Institute every day and went through all kinds of laws. One day, a client came to ask about a case concerning the inheritance of the elderly. He said that he was not satisfied with seeing at least ten lawyers. Naturally, no one wanted to provoke him. Finally, the elder brother volunteered. As I expected, he successfully took over the case. And I know that the secret of his success is persistent hard work, rich knowledge reserves and solid professional foundation.
  Can I ask where is the way?
First of all, I think we should improve our professional ability. As the saying goes, "without diamond, it is difficult to do porcelain work." With the rapid development of economy, social division of labor is becoming more and more detailed. Lawyers are no exception. In the current practice environment, it is difficult for all-round "Jack of all trades" lawyers to move forward. This requires young lawyers to choose a good practice direction, and to be better and stronger in this direction. Second, we should constantly update our knowledge reserves. There is an old Chinese saying: "there is poetry and Book Spirit in the belly." In the face of the rapid changes in society, in order to keep up with the pace of the law and the times, as a young lawyer, he must constantly learn, just as the saying goes, it is never too old to learn and grow in learning. Thirdly, we should abide by the professional ethics of lawyers. "Having both ability and political integrity and putting morality first." Without a good professional ethics as a foundation, the greater the ability and the deeper the disaster. Lawyers provide legal services within the scope authorized by the parties, use their professional skills to protect the interests of the parties to the maximum extent, and be responsible for the law and the state. Finally, we should have the courage to shoulder social responsibilities. "The YaZhai is listening to the whistling bamboo, and it is suspected that it is the voice of the people's suffering. These are the history of Caozhou county. One branch and one leaf are always close to each other." As a lawyer, due to the characteristics of the legal profession, compared with other social subjects, we should actively undertake social responsibilities. Care for vulnerable groups, actively fulfill legal aid obligations, and make their own contributions to social justice and harmony. At the same time, lawyers should also actively offer advice and suggestions for national legislative work, transform their wisdom into legal achievements, and promote the construction of China ruled by law; Lawyers should also actively participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs, and promote the realization of the rule of law in China from a higher level, so that the lawyer industry can obtain a broader development prospect and space.
Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world. As a young practicing lawyer, the road ahead of me will be rugged and long. At the end of my speech, please allow me to conclude my speech with a poem by Wang Guozhen and encourage you to:
Love life
I don't think whether I can succeed
Since I have chosen the distant place
I only care about the wind and rain
I don't think about winning love
Since I love roses
I'll be brave enough to express my sincerity
I don't think whether there will be cold wind and rain behind me
Since the target is the horizon
The only thing left to the world is the back
I don't think whether the future is flat or muddy
Just love life
Everything is expected