Office software sharing in lawyer's working scene

time:2020-12-22  author:Meng Qingkai  source:

Good morning, colleagues. The topic of my speech is "sharing of office software in the lawyer's work scene". In our daily work, we will use a lot of software to assist our work, whether on the mobile phone or on the computer. Each lawyer will have his own favorite software, such as the most basic word processing software office. However, today's technological progress makes us not satisfied with these basic functions. Relying on the software with rich functions, our lawyers can obviously improve their efficiency and ability to deal with problems. The times require us to become stronger.
Today, I won't tell you how to use the software I recommend. You can read the instructions by yourself. I don't need you. What I want to do is to restore the scenes in which I use these software in my daily work to you. I believe that through my introduction, you will understand more vividly the significance of these software for lawyers' work. If you are touched, I believe you will take the initiative to explore one of them or a certain function, and my speech will be meaningful.
1、 The first software I introduced was impression notes.
The basic logic of impression note management information is notebooks. We can create countless notebooks in this software. Countless notes can be created under notebooks, which can be understood as pages in notebooks. Multiple associated notebooks we can combine them into a notebook group. After understanding the logic of notebook group notebook note, we can clearly manage the information in the impression notes.
I would like to introduce two working scenarios that I am using and find useful:
The first scenario is work diary, as shown in the figure. There is a notebook in my work notebook group called work record. In the work record, I will create a note named after the date on each working day to record the work events that occurred today. As of today, I have created 485 work notes, which have been recorded continuously for more than two years. I have recorded the telephone number of relevant personnel, the brief handling process of the case, and the time of occurrence. I can quickly find the relevant information through the tag set in advance or directly through the keyword. I can search all the notes related to this word through one keyword, which greatly improves the efficiency of recalling the past work. At the same time, it also solves the problem of confusion in the phone book. We will encounter a large number of strangers in our work. Whether their numbers are stored in the phone book has become an embarrassing choice. Save it. If you haven't used it for many years, don't save it. It's very embarrassing when you suddenly contact. Record it in the notebook. We only need to search the four digit tail number in advance to know whether you have contacted this number, who he is, what has happened between you, and even judge what he is looking for you this time. It is very practical.
The second working scenario is knowledge management. In our daily life, we will see a lot of useful business-related articles on wechat's circle of friends and official account. Many people deal with it by sharing a circle of friends as a way to save it or by using the collection function of wechat. But this way is very difficult to look back. Most of the time, I don't know what I've shared, and it takes a lot of time to look back. On the other hand, wechat has its own "my impression notes" official account, which can be directly pushed to the impression notes after being associated with its own impression Note account. Then, as shown in the figure, these boutiques are regularly classified into special notebooks according to their categories in the notes for easy search.
In addition, when we use Google and apple browsers, we can install the plug-in of impression notes. The advantage is that no matter what you search in Baidu, he will first search in your impression notes by default. I have encountered several times. The problems I searched happen to be directly related to the articles saved by my knowledge management, which is very useful.
In conclusion, compared with other similar software, the search function of impression notes is far superior to others, and its precision and accuracy are very high. We can quickly lock the information we have recorded through keywords, tags and contact names.
2、 The second software I introduced is the wonderful list
The wonderful list is simply to-do list. We list the things we are going to do. Each item is completed with a right mark, which can prevent missing items. Moreover, it is simple and intuitive. Every time a task is crossed, we will feel very comfortable.
The greatest feature of the wonderful list in the lawyer's work scenario is collaboration. As shown in the figure, each person has his own account. We can select a list to share with one of our team members. In this way, we can see what the other party is about to do. When we need help, we can directly choose to assign it to one of the team members. If we have any comments, we can make comments under the task. Each large task can be divided into several small tasks to facilitate step-by-step completion. The emergency can be marked with stars, and the order can be adjusted according to the priority. You can also set the expiration and reminder functions, and set the reminder date in advance. At that time, we will be automatically reminded of what to do.
3、 The third software I introduced is the curtain
To use the screen, just type Mubu IO, you can log in and register an account to use.
The working scene of the curtain is to help us organize our thinking and writing in an orderly and logical way.
As shown in the figure, we can arbitrarily set the first level title, the same level title, and continuously set the sub title downward. When we process the content of one title, we can fold the other content without interference, so as to ensure the integrity of the content in the framework and logic. For example, as shown in the figure, the framework of my speech today is completed with the help of the curtain.
Of course, another highlight of the curtain is the one key thinking map, as shown in the figure. Because I don't like to look at this kind of pictures, I only give a brief introduction. In addition, the curtain also supports collaboration, and can be directly shared with their team members, so that they can handle problems according to unified logic. Support one click export of word \ PDF, etc.
4、 The last software I introduced is tower
Tower can be understood as an online case management platform. When there are more than 4 members in a team, the number of cases we need to deal with at the same time increases significantly. Wechat communication is more convenient than previous telephone communication, but there are also many problems. For example, voice content cannot be searched. When discussing multiple cases at the same time, it is easy to be confused, and it often requires a high time cost to find the communication content.
Tower can manage cases online through one project per case, and team members can express opinions and negotiate on each case under different cases. Personnel assignment and task distribution can be carried out online. Upload case information by category, and handle cases with team members in any place with network.
In the lawyer's work scenario, we can set up templates in advance according to our own business characteristics. In this way, each time a new case enters the platform, you can create a template with one click, and then adjust and modify it in combination with the specific characteristics of the case. As far as I know, lawyer Zhao Lu and his team have used this software for a long time. Due to the increase of personnel, my team is exploring and learning to prepare for more scientific management of cases.
Finally, the above software functions are far more than these. This time, I just introduce some practical skills to you in combination with the scene of my lawyer's work. I hope you can make more and better discoveries. I wish you a happy work.