I and Tongfang

time:2020-12-22  author:Li Xiuming  source:

Dear leaders and colleagues, good morning. I am Li Xiuming from Tongfang Dalian Branch. The topic of my speech is "I have an agreement with Tongfang".
Chapter 1: I fell in love with Tongfang at first sight
On December 18, 2005, after passing the written examination and interview of lawyer Ma Linping, I started to work as an assistant of lawyer Ma on the first day, which was my first job. Soon, I realized that by mistake, I joined a star team. My master, lawyer Ma Linping, graduated from Peking University, and my elder martial sister, Lawyer Chen Linlin, graduated from Nankai University. My elder martial brother, lawyer Jiang Weimin, has rich experience and outstanding military achievements. Nie Lianghui, a lawyer of the same generation, graduated from Fudan University. My predecessor Gu Xiaofeng vacated my present position because he was admitted to the Supreme People's Procuratorate. After knowing this, I was a little excited. In the words of today, my impression of Tongfang is called "Gao Gao Shang". When I first joined the company, to be honest, being a lawyer was not my dream. My dream at that time always changed. There were so many changes that I can't recall what was included. That year was the first year I became a member of Tongfang. Tongfang office was 7 years old and Tongfang Dalian Branch was 4 years old.
Chapter II I am inseparable from Tongfang
In July 2006, I went to Dalian at the invitation of lawyer ma. It can also be said that I returned to Dalian, because I spent the four years of my undergraduate years in Dalian, and my best friends and blue face confidants are all in Dalian. At that time, due to the establishment of a Sino foreign joint venture, a lawyer with an English background was required to join. I happened to meet the requirements. After the completion of that project, I have a sense of achievement, because my two professional English and law have successfully combined to serve my work, and the effect is not bad. Moistening things silently, gradually, lawyers became a possibility in my dream. That year was the second year I became a member of Tongfang, I was 8 years old at Tongfang Institute and 5 years old at Tongfang Dalian Branch.
Chapter III "lifelong love" between me and Tongfang
In August 2008, I got married. As my leader, Lawyer Liu Hong made a speech. I can still remember his speech. Lawyer Liu called me an excellent young lawyer of Tongfang office. I am a little proud. That year was the fourth year that I became a member of Tongfang, I was 10 years old at Tongfang Institute and 7 years old at Tongfang Dalian Branch.
From 2006 to 2010, my professional skills grew the fastest in five years. Lawyer Ma led the team of Dalian lawyers of the same party to stand firm and make rapid development. The legal counsel of several large enterprise groups and the agent of a large number of litigation cases made me find happiness in the lawyer's job. In October 2011, the office of Tongfang Dalian Branch was moved to Xinghai Bay financial circle, the office environment was upgraded to a higher level, and the team formation was relatively stable. When the lights are on, I look through the glass window of the office and see the neon flashing in Xinghai Square, the traffic is busy. Looking back at the warm office, the files are neat, and each file carries a story. At that time, I have a feeling of satisfaction in my heart. That year was the sixth year that I became a Tongfang person. Tongfang office was 12 years old and Tongfang Dalian Branch was 9 years old.
Chapter IV "seven year itch" between us and Tongfang
I once read a book by Tang Degang, an American Chinese. As a historian, he believes that social transformation must pass through a historical Three Gorges. Only by sticking to it and passing through dangerous situations can you see the scenery you want to see. Although my practicing time is not long, this mental journey has also gone through my own "Three Gorges" stage. The clock points to 2012, about in winter, when I worked with the same party for 7 years, a word "itch" appeared in my state. I am a little slack, tired, and even confused at work. I don't know where to go. It happened that at this time, a good opportunity beckoned to me. The legal director of a state-owned enterprise had a much better income than I had at that time. To be honest, he was a little moved. However, after moving carefully, I feel some pain. The reason is that my feelings with the same party are too deep to be disturbed. I calmed down and seriously considered my career plan. I find I really like this job. Compared with teachers, lawyers have different types of cases and different clients. This profession has new challenges and new contents from time to time. It will not be boring because of the invariance. Compared with judges, lawyers do not have the shackles of the system and are not troubled by dilemmas. They take the law as a mirror and take the most solid steps to promote the progress of the rule of law. Compared with corporate legal affairs, lawyers are free, with unlimited space and various possibilities. Compared with other people from all walks of life, lawyers are not only professional in law, but also knowledgeable in all aspects, because the disputes we handle come from all walks of life. A lawyer is a person who is needed, so the career of lawyer has a bright future. In this way, I refused the invitation of the other party and stayed without hesitation. The process of choice is difficult, but after the decision, it is suddenly clear that "the clear river is covered with Hanyang trees and the grass is luxuriant in parrot island". Looking back, my decision is correct. Please forgive me for my only "spiritual derailment".
Chapter 5 beautiful Tongfang, my home
Ten years have passed in a flash. This year is the eleventh year that I have become a member of Tongfang. Tongfang office is 16 years old and Tongfang Dalian branch is 13 years old. I also changed from a little girl who didn't leave school to a little girl's mother. Mentally, I'm mature. In terms of work, in June last year, I officially changed from a paid lawyer to an independent practicing lawyer. At this moment, as a career dream of my life, lawyer has been deeply rooted in my heart.
The temperament of lawyers is developed by law firms. I have never left the school before I entered Tongfang, and my practice methods are full of Tongfang spirit. According to lawyer Ma, what we fight for is professional, relying on our ability, mostly bookish, and lacking social and domineering spirit. Today, Tongfang has ushered in a new stage of development, leading its peers in terms of the number of lawyers, the quality of lawyers, the office environment and the income level. Looking at the legal elites in the audience, let the younger generation who are in the same period or even later than me have masters to follow and skills to learn. In Dalian Branch, all the colleagues of the backward Institute affectionately call me "Xiuming sister". This is not only a simple name, but also implies that I have become their predecessor. I have the obligation to inherit our rules and make them remember our training. I will stick to this profession and continue to do it on the platform of Tongfang. There is no solemn pledge, only such an agreement.