Qi Wei

Liaoning Tongfang law firm   lawyer

educational background

Doctor of law, Northeast University

Work results

He has served as the enterprise legal adviser for many years, has a solid legal theoretical foundation, has rich practical experience, and has formed a unique legal perspective and the ability to handle complex and difficult cases in practice.

Social position

2014 China Industrial Museum intermediate Research Institute
September 23, 2016 member of China Ethics Society
May 2017 director of the free trade zone rule of Law Research Association of Liaoning Law Society
In June 2018, the first group of lecturers of Liaoning Lawyers Association
May 2020 researcher of Liaoning labor and personnel dispute Research Association
September 2020 member of financial securities insurance legal professional committee of Shenyang Lawyers Association
October 2020 member of the financial and Asset Management Committee of Shenyang Lawyers Association
March 27, 2021, executive director of architectural Law Research Society of Liaoning Law Society

Honors received

In May 2018, Heping District lawyer culture construction advanced individual
In November 2019, the second criminal defense business forum of Liaoning Lawyers Association won the third prize of the paper "legal application of the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits in the Internet Age -- from the perspective of P2P online loan platform"
March 2021 outstanding public welfare lawyer in Heping District