Meng Qingyan

Liaoning Tongfang law firm   lawyer

educational background

Bachelor of law

Work results

For eight years of legal work, he has provided legal training services for the procuratorial system of a province and the public security branch of an urban area. Provided legal advisory services for many domestic insurance companies and a Judicial Expertise Center. Participated in the legal services of several listed companies in the preparatory stage.
Civil and commercial cases such as personal injury compensation for industrial injury, medical treatment, traffic accident and tort damage, marriage and family, inheritance, private loans, contract disputes, construction contract disputes and insurance contract disputes; Administrative litigation, administrative agreement and other civil and administrative overlapping cases; "Routine loans", fund-raising fraud and other civil and criminal cross cases have been studied in depth.
Always adhere to the integrity of professional ethics and rigorous work attitude, fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, and win the recognition of the parties.

Social position

Director of architectural Law Research Society of Liaoning Law Society
Director of Dalian Institute of criminal law

Honors received

Selected by the CPC Dalian Municipal Committee and the municipal government,
Advanced individuals in the city's legal publicity and education.