Du Yuanyuan

Liaoning Tongfang law firm   lawyer

educational background

Master of law, China University of political science and law

Work results

Lawyer Du Yuanyuan has rich legal practice experience and profound legal theoretical foundation, and solid business. During her practice, she has provided legal services for government agencies, various enterprises and institutions and major projects, and has rich negotiation and management experience. In addition to providing perennial legal advisory services for the company, Du lawyer also provides all-round special legal advisory services for clients' large-scale real estate projects, major investment and financing projects and other legal affairs. At the same time, Du lawyer, as the chief arbitrator and sole arbitrator, has adjudicated many civil and commercial cases and construction project cases.

Social position

Arbitrator of Shenyang Arbitration Commission and review expert of Chinese government procurement (Ministry of Finance)

Honors received

Honorary title of Excellent Communist Party member of Shenyang Municipal Bureau of justice and young commando of Tiexi District