Ren Jianhong

Liaoning Tongfang law firm   lawyer

educational background

In 1996, he graduated from the law department of Liaoning University with a bachelor's degree in international economic law. He graduated from Dalian Maritime University with a master's degree in international economic law in 2002.

Work results

In the more than 20 years of professional lawyer practice, he has represented and participated in many major arbitration, civil and commercial, intellectual property and real estate legal disputes and other types of litigation and enforcement cases. He has rich litigation agency experience and has provided litigation agency or legal advisory services for many foreign-funded enterprises and private enterprises. In non litigation legal services, he participated in the design and legal confirmation of the overall structure of the investment project, implemented various negotiations in the investment project, drafted and revised various legal documents such as the enterprise contract and articles of association, and solved various problems involved in the investment process. According to the relevant provisions of laws and policy documents, he explained in detail for customers and issued special or comprehensive legal opinions of high standards and quality, Timely provide comprehensive and deep-seated high-end legal services for enterprises. Participate in the whole process of due diligence of Foreign-invested Companies in the early stage of domestic enterprise investment and foreign capital M & A, and finally form a more detailed and comprehensive investigation report (due diligence), and devote to the research of contract law, company law, intellectual property law and other laws, and study the property law, contract law, company law, tort liability law, patent law, trademark law He has deep and specialized research on copyright law and other relevant laws, and has rich judicial practice experience and social work experience.

Social position

Honors received