Recalling the fiery years and full of vigor -- recollection of Tongfang law firm

time:2021-05-21  author:admin  source:

Regain youth
Original intention remains unchanged
Youth and common
In this season of green grass
Tongfang's lawyer is more enthusiastic than chunri
Meet youth in May
High fanfangte happy world

May 14, 2021
More than 50 partners of Tongfang law firm gathered in Fangte happy world
The group building activity themed "recalling the red years and full of vigor" was held
The good weather on the day of the activity also helped
Sky high, cloud light, dominate the cover
Through the screen, you can feel the wind blowing on your face
Let's live up to our good times
Share a better life
Measure the land with your feet
Praise the scenery with a smile
Here we are
Clean up fatigue and rejuvenate youth!
The lawyers on the same side were calm in the court
Entertainment projects facing exciting challenges
We are constantly surpassing ourselves and breaking the limit!

The joyous songs along the way and the tension along the way
Excitement along the way, beauty along the way
Happy time is always short
However, happy fragments will be renewed with time
In May of youth, Tongfang lawyers are in high spirits
There are always some emotions and spirits that will stay in the heart and not be eroded by time. Just like our activities, we are full of vigor and original intention!