Mid Autumn Festival V your circle | Tongfang Institute's 2020 Mid Autumn Festiva

time:2021-01-18  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

It is also the brightest night of the year, when thousands of people enjoy it.
The annual traditional festival - Mid Autumn Festival
It's coming
To celebrate this year
N in more than one festival
The only "Reunion" Festival
Lawyers who are busy with all kinds of affairs,
Also temporarily put down the lock of work,
Visit the site personally,
With like-minded friends,
Get together and share the reunion.
Ice moon cake diy
What kind of moon cakes do people like to eat? Considering the complex process of traditional five kernel moon cakes, which is painful to people. After completing the lessons, everyone unanimously chose the ice moon cake with zero errors in DIY.
Pinching the skin, wrapping the stuffing, pressing the model... This set of flowing operations can be seen at a glance, and it will be scrapped as soon as it is done. The DIY scene is full of problems. Little bear and rabbit can't distinguish clearly; More disobedient sandwiches often reveal their fillings... But the soft waxy skin can be squeezed into any shape at will. The sweet fillings can also be slipped into the mouth when they are unprepared. It is fun to decompress, and also attracts a large number of "making Xiaobai" to fight.
Even though the shape needs to be refined, it is also a small gift with sincerity to bring the sweet moon cakes home to the people you miss most.
Osmanthus Oolong ice brew DIY
How can there be no osmanthus wine in the Mid Autumn Festival? It's better to drink with ice. Some people claimed to be able to mix wine at the scene, and some spectators came to the scene to enjoy a drink.
Today, lawyers from all over the world come to experience bartenders. They are eager to try the first cup of good wine after autumn. It is said that it tastes good and can't stop with crabs
With osmanthus rice wine as the base, oolong tea ice cubes are added. The fragrance of osmanthus and tea blend to balance the wine aroma, which unconsciously adds a little bit of tipsy romance to the activity site.
Embossed lantern DIY
I wonder if you still remember the lantern that you used to hold in your hand when you were young. In order to bring back the fun of childhood, we set up a special DIY area for lanterns at the activity site.
The lawyers in this special area are all representatives of the literary and artistic youth in the Institute. They not only have first-class painting skills, but also have free imagination. All kinds of rabbits and the full moon from different angles have become the main objects of today's painting, which is particularly appropriate in this mid autumn festival.
With such a hand-made lantern, make a wish on the day of the festival, and the sense of ceremony of the festival is added. The birth of art is not limited to details. Such works are more meaningful and give value to the soul.
Drive crabs + remove crabs, strive to be the strongest Commander
The west wind makes the crab feet itch. In addition to eating moon cakes in the Mid Autumn Festival, river crabs are also indispensable in our northeast. I've seen crabs run, but I'm sure you haven't caught crabs
With the referee's order, everyone hurried off with their crabs. Let go of the "serious" in the past, and do everything possible to make the crab understand people's words. At the same time, ensure that there is no deviation in the track of action while accelerating. The on-site combat situation is comparable to the examination of subject 2, which is both warm and tense. There was also a little friend who swallowed crab at the scene, which was startling and exciting
Time limited guessing lantern riddles to challenge the strongest brain
In ancient times, there were poems and songs about drinking sweet scented osmanthus wine. How can elite lawyers get together without the skills of literary and artistic style? A little lantern riddle is also solemn and harmonious. It is the most wise literature in China. How can people not miss it?
Guessing lantern riddles within a limited time is undoubtedly a big test for everyone's mental ability. After 30 seconds, everyone entered the riddle area and randomly selected any riddle cards under the lanterns. They were sold out in a flash. I have to admire the emotional intelligence and brain intelligence of our lawyers here. It's too enviable and envious!
Group birthday party, tender
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you... With the music of happy birthday song, eh? Is this a serial frequency? Of course not.
Taking the opportunity of this special event, Tongfang Institute also prepared a birthday party for some of the birthday stars in August and September. When the birthday song rings and the birthday candle is lit, the best birthday wishes are made at this moment, and the most sincere wishes are also offered at this moment.
It was another full moon night and the Mid Autumn Festival.
Thousands of years of cultural and emotional accumulation and belonging,
Everyone's homesickness and homesickness,
At this moment, there is no doubt.
Everyone can make no secret of his feeling of returning home,
Of course, there are things that should be put down,
A reason to go home.
The moon is round, and people are united.
Whether it is outside or home,
Let's say to everyone first:
Happy Mid Autumn Festival!