Kaihi | record the first offline ice breaking party with Fang Qingfa in the name

time:2021-01-18  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

Grasp the tail of summer and put "poetry and distance" on the agenda again. At the beginning of the autumn, the recruitment of the new members of the Youth Development Committee of Liaoning Tongfang law firm also tasted the "fruits" and attracted a large number of aspiring young lawyers. Considering that the members are busy in their daily work, or have never known each other, or haven't seen each other for a long time, in order to let everyone know each other, understand each other, and enhance their feelings, the Youth Development Commission specially organized this ice breaking party building activity, so as to lay a good foundation for future work.
The hurried pace of the city makes people too busy to rest. This time, the Youth Development Commission slowed down its pace, moved away from the city to the suburbs, and enjoyed the surrounding sunshine, green mountains, birdsong and small streams with the small partners who are working together towards the same goal
Terens said that people's hearts always naturally turn from work to entertainment.
Pierre LERU said that the reward for completing labor is leisure, entertainment
Everyone unanimously agreed with the views of the above masters. As for the team building, having fun is the most important!
The posture should be handsome enough, and the eyes should be focused... The atmosphere on the billiard table is particularly warm, no matter whether or not you will come first
Board games and video games are essential for the party. How can UFOs that test friends not come in a few more rounds?
Golden songs come out frequently. Welcome to Tongfang good voice. Pick is you!
The smoke and fire in the world is the most soothing. Besides hotpot, barbecue must be the most addictive thing.
Mutton kebabs, tenderloins, etc. baked in the charcoal fire, the food is roasted until it is greasy, sprinkled with cumin powder, and then brushed with spicy dipping material. The excitement of the food makes people feel thirsty.
