Tongfang public welfare | Tongfang institute actively carried out community law

time:2022-05-09  author:admin  source:

Tongfang Institute has continuously expanded its service methods, increased its service content, and explored a new mode of Party building and serving the masses. On November 3, 2021, Tongfang office carried out voluntary services through the party mass e-service platform. After receiving the applications from Bagua street community and Qunfang community of Nanshi street, Heping District, through communication between both parties, Tongfang office lawyers went to the two communities and carried out two community law popularization activities of the civil code in succession, further improving residents' legal awareness and concept of the rule of law, strengthening the law popularization among the whole people, and promoting the construction of the rule of law in Shenyang.

This activity was led by sun Dongming, a lawyer of Tongfang office, and Hu Guanglei, a partner of Tongfang office. It focused on the two issues of "marriage" and "inheritance" that the people are generally concerned about, explained and communicated face-to-face with community residents, disseminated legal knowledge in easy to understand language, and listed relevant cases that occurred in life to carry out legal education and publicity for residents.

Subsequently, the two lawyers patiently and meticulously provided free legal consultation services for the community residents, effectively helped the residents analyze the legal problems around them, put forward solutions, and guided them to consciously take correct legal measures to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Through this law popularization publicity campaign, the community residents were made to understand the importance of the law, further understand the professional knowledge of the civil code, and realize the understanding, understanding, law-abiding and usage of the law. In the future, Tongfang Institute will continue to invest in more legal and public welfare activities, actively assume social responsibilities, and promote the comprehensive and effective implementation of the civil code.