Delivering dreams and hopes with books | Tongfang law firm rural public welfare

time:2021-05-21  author:admin  source:

April 23 is the annual world reading day. In order to further improve the ability to serve the masses, carry out the docking and assistance work of "one village (community) and one legal adviser", and convey dreams and hopes through books, Tongfang law firm launched a Book Donation collection activity in the office as early as half a month ago. As of the day of the activity, 626 books were collected.
On April 23, 2021, Tongfang's lawyer solemnly packed and loaded the books, carrying full love, and set out from Shenyang, crossing 121 kilometers, to the town government of jinwutaizi.
After the civil code publicity and consultation activities, Tongfang lawyer and jinwutaizi town government held a book donation ceremony. During the ceremony, Lawyer Chen Linlin, senior partner of Tongfang office, said that "we hope to further strengthen the construction of rural cultural front and enrich the cultural life of villagers by donating books. Taking rural bookstores as the service point of cultural poverty alleviation, we will build a long-term mechanism for mutual promotion of law firm service and cultural guidance."

This book donation will equally distribute books of different categories to 12 villages of jinwutaizi town.   There are many kinds of books with strong readability.

After a brief ceremony, the lawyer went to xujiawobao village, jinwutaizi village and liangsanjiazi village, visited the library of the village committee, and personally placed the books in the book corner of the village committee.
At the National Lawyers' work conference, General Secretary Xi stressed that lawyers should become an important force in comprehensively ruling the country according to law. In the future, Tongfang law firm will continue to encourage every lawyer of Tongfang to take root in his own duties according to this requirement, never forget his original intention, be diligent and conscientious, keep his mission firmly in mind, and be determined to become a practitioner of the mass line and a promoter of the construction of the rule of law in the new era.