2019 "Tongfang scholarship" and "Hanying inspirational scholarship" award ceremo

time:2019-12-25  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

On the afternoon of December 25, 2019, the award ceremony of "Tongfang scholarship" and "Han Ying lawyer inspirational scholarship" was successfully held in the school of grammar and law of Northeast University. Lawyer Zhang Xinhui and Han Ying, senior partners of Liaoning Tongfang law firm, Lawyer Liu qinqun, lawyer Gai Wentao and lawyer Gao Honggang; Mr. Zhang Lei, President of the school of grammar, Mr. Xia Fengyun, deputy secretary of the Party committee and vice president, Mr. Li Dan, vice president, and Mr. Sui Jun, head of the Department of law, attended the award ceremony.
The "Tongfang scholarship" set up by Tongfang Institute in the school of grammar and law of Northeast University in 2001 has witnessed the growth of nearly 100 students, sent a support and encouragement to students at an important stage of their lives, and encouraged them to have the character of self-improvement and responsibility. Based on this idea, lawyer Han Ying signed a contract with Northeast University in 2015 to set up the "Han Ying lawyer inspirational scholarship" in his personal name, and invested 10000 yuan every year for the education fund of sunshine Grammar School of Northeast University.
Before the meeting, Lawyer Liu qinqun gave a speech for the students on the theme of "career choice - experience of judge and lawyer's career". Combining her own experience, she explained the differences and similarities between the two professions from the perspective of judge and lawyer. She believes that both judges and lawyers have the same original intention and dream, that is, to realize the legal professional community - to jointly promote the rule of law, maintain legal fairness and justice, and maintain social harmony and stability.
Lawyer Zhang Xinhui made a wonderful speech at the ceremony and expressed heartfelt congratulations to the winning students. The speech reviewed the original intention of establishing Tongfang scholarship in the school of grammar and law of Northeast University in 2001, and the 20-year leap development of Tongfang by 2019; It looks forward to the macro development prospects of the lawyer industry and the broad development space of Tongfang in the future. Finally, Lawyer Zhang sincerely sent a message to the award-winning students and the students of the school of grammar and law to work hard and make new achievements. He also welcomed the students who aspire to become lawyers to join the lawyer team of Tongfang in the future.
As the initiator of the "Han Ying lawyer inspirational scholarship", lawyer Han Ying also made a sincere speech at the ceremony. The speech reviewed the original intention of setting up the inspirational scholarship, which is to hope that students with difficulties in their families can have a chance to study and study well; Students are encouraged to strive for self-improvement, forge ahead, live up to their parents' ardent hopes, and make contributions to society.
Finally, president Zhang Lei also gave an enthusiastic speech, in which he expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Tongfang lawyers for their support to the college and students over the years; And put forward ardent expectations and encouragement to the students of the college. He said that 2019 is the 90th anniversary of the founding of the school of grammar and law of Northeast University. I hope that students can remember the title of legal person and the heavy responsibilities behind it, and not forget their original intention and forge ahead. The sunshine of law should shine on every inch of China, and social justice should protect every citizen of China, which requires the joint efforts and dedication of every legal person.
Adhering to the concept of "walking along the same road and keeping the right side", Tongfang law firm has gradually developed and grown through trials and tribulations. It has developed into a comprehensive institute in Liaoning, Shenyang and even northeast China, and has established a good reputation in the industry. At the same time of development, Tongfang lawyers do not forget to actively give back to society and fulfill social responsibilities.