The 20th anniversary of Tongfang's dedication to society (II) -- building a harm

time:2019-07-15  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

On the afternoon of July 15, 2019, under the leadership of Yang Xingquan, secretary and director of the Party committee, Cao Yuanjun, deputy secretary and executive director of the Party committee, and Chen Linlin, senior partner, more than 10 Party member lawyers and young lawyer representatives of our office came to the community government affairs service center of Wen'an Road, together with Zhang Yong, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Nanhu sub district, Wang Yong, chief of the social security section and relevant staff, Have a discussion with the elderly and the representatives of families in difficulty in some communities under Nanhu sub district.

The forum was presided over by Dai Xi, deputy secretary of Wen'an Road community. Lawyer Yang Xingquan, Deputy Secretary Zhang Yong and lawyer Cao Yuanjun delivered speeches in turn and had a cordial conversation with the elderly and families in need.
The lawyers had a cordial discussion with the masses to deeply understand their practical difficulties, daily life and potential psychological problems. And provide assistance on relevant legal issues needed by people in difficulty. In addition, this condolence also brought living materials to the people, including rice noodles, grain, oil and milk, to solve the real life difficulties. The activity was positively affirmed and highly praised by the leaders and the masses in the community.

Director Yang Xingquan, Secretary of the Party committee, delivered a speech at the meeting, proposing that "the community is my home, and we should often come home to have a look". He also stressed that we should not only come back frequently to see, but also go into the lives of the people and put the difficulties of the people at heart. Strengthen the communication and cooperation of community leaders, and coordinate the grassroots work of party affairs. At the same time, community leaders and the broad masses of the community are also welcome to visit the Institute. Lawyers will wholeheartedly help answer all kinds of legal related problems encountered by the masses in their life and work.

Zhang Yong, chief of the community section, also gave a speech, affirming and praising Tongfang law firm's support for community legal affairs and various work. He expressed his willingness to conduct more and deeper cooperation with law firms in the future.
Since its establishment 20 years ago, Tongfang law firm has been committed to the implementation of the grassroots party building work, not just a formality, and actively participated in various public welfare activities. In line with the purpose of "never forgetting the original intention, Fangde always", Tongfang law firm has done the activities in detail, and truly integrates the thoughts of the masses and the thoughts of the masses. It is pointed out in the party constitution that since the 18th National Congress, decisive progress has been made in the fight against poverty, and more than 60 million poor people have been steadily lifted out of poverty, thus reducing the incidence of poverty. In the future, we will also work to strengthen poverty alleviation at the grass-roots level so that more people can benefit from it. This work needs long-term attention, and it also needs to keep forging ahead, work in a down-to-earth manner and climb the mountain with rolling stones. Tongfang people believe that they will make achievements as long as they make unremitting efforts.

After the seminar, the law firm distributed living materials to every elderly person and people in need. Young lawyers also helped the elderly to carry these materials to their homes, fully demonstrating the people-oriented principle. Uphold justice by law and subdue people by virtue. Tongfang law firm will adhere to the purpose of taking the law as the basis and putting people first, and will do its best to help people solve their living difficulties. In the future, the law firm will continue to carry out more poverty alleviation activities.