Open mouth is full mark composition? Come to Tongfang's eight minute speech cont

time:2021-04-01  author:admin  source:

Bring a lawyer,
The impression that stays in the mind,
Perhaps it is the eloquence of the trial court,
Or the tidiness and delicacy of the head of the copy
If a strict lawyer and
The "stage show" with distant lights
"Live streaming" to grab headlines
There are always people who ask "how could it be?"?
From January 25 to 27, 2021, the preliminary contest of the eight minute speech contest of Liaoning Tongfang law firm was successfully held in the 43rd floor of the innovation space. The competition is divided into three stages, lasting for 3 days. At the same time, bold attempts were made in the presentation form. For the first time, the live broadcast was conducted in Dingding, setting off a climax of online and offline same frequency interaction.

As the annual traditional event of Tongfang Institute, the eight minute speech contest has attracted much attention from the early stage of preparation. It focuses on the examination of the contestants from the aspects of professional ability and comprehensive quality, and pays more attention to the improvement of the thinking and expression ability of the young lawyers of Tongfang Institute. The preliminary competition site can be described as "Master Competition". The 16 "high-tech top" players are quick and energetic, showing the youthful demeanor of the new generation of Tongfang lawyers and bringing the audience a "fresh feeling".
Yang Xingquan, director of Tongfang Institute, delivered a speech for the speech contest on 25th. Message: young lawyers should have ideals and goals, and become excellent professionals; Be responsible and have the courage to take responsibility; Strive to improve your professional ability. Tongfang lawyers should regard every activity of Tongfang platform as training and grow rapidly.

The speech of the preliminary contest is not limited to the theme and free speech. Before the competition, 16 contestants will be divided into 3 groups by drawing lots for 3 days. The competition mode is mainly online live broadcast. Judges and spectators score and vote the contestants online. At the same time, some spectators are set up offline to help the contestants. After the opening ceremony of the host, all the contestants canvassed for votes online, and then each contestant gave a timed speech for 6-8 minutes, and finished scoring and voting within two minutes after each contestant's speech. After the end of each session, the judges are invited to make comments, and the whole process is seamless.
The master's competition is a battle of fineness. Every second, the players show their typhoon, reaction, speech organization ability and on-site appeal. In the competition, each contestant showed his own unique speech style. Although each of them discussed from different angles, they all closely combined their own personal history, work experience and life experience. They were full of confidence, logical and vivid, and explained their own understanding and insight on the topic of the speech with full enthusiasm and sincere feelings. It presented an audio-visual feast for everyone, which fully reflected the vigorous, positive and optimistic atmosphere of young lawyers of Tongfang. The online and offline interactive atmosphere was very warm. The infectious speeches of the contestants aroused everyone's thinking and resonance.

Here, I would also like to thank the three hosts: Lawyer Jia Jiayu, Lawyer Wang Guowei and lawyer Zhao Jing for their dedication to the live show.
In addition to the excellent performances of the contestants and the hosts, the professional comments of the judges are also very interesting. The judges' new identity authentication has changed the seriousness of the past, which can be described as an unexpected surprise. Lawyer Ma Linping, the director of Dalian Branch, is full of wise thoughts, senior partner Chen Linlin's atmosphere brings a sense of ease to everyone, senior partner Geng LuHong's words reveal sincere and delicate feelings, senior partner Han Ying's lightness and liveliness make everyone unexpectedly "grounded", and partner Liu qinqun's professional and warm guidance suggestions... The judges from the content of the speech Comment on the contestants one by one in terms of language expression, image style, PPT production and comprehensive impression. Not only did the contestants feel that they had gained a lot, but also made the audience sigh that "take a small book and write it down quickly".

This eight minute speech contest is divided into preliminary and final. The top 10 contestants in the preliminary have successfully entered the final. Let's congratulate them.
1st place: Xu Wenzhuo
2nd place: Liu Xingwei
Third place: Wen Yue
4th place: Jinlu
5th place: Meng Qingyan
6th place: Zhang Anqi
7th place: Wang Lei
No. 8: Yang Yuqi
9th place: Cao Yingxue
10th place: Liu Jiahui

February 5 (next Friday)
Each contestant will compete fiercely in the final,
Both online and offline platforms are started at the same time,
Let's look forward to the wonderful performance of the next contestants.
At that time,
I hope everyone will take part in and pay attention to it,
Help and call the players!