The first phase of the same party debate competition in 2020 "listen to and resp

time:2020-09-25  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

On the afternoon of September 25, the first session of the Tongfang debate competition in 2020, sponsored by Liaoning Tongfang law firm and organized by Tongfang youth lawyers Development Committee, was officially opened in the youth innovation space on the 43rd floor.
This debate contest was presided over by lawyer Jiang Qian, director of the Youth Development Commission. It was divided into four parts: opening argument, attack and debate, free debate and concluding statement. The topic of the debate was "finding a marriage partner, which is more important, like or suitable". Positive view: it is more important to find a marriage partner. The opposite side's view: finding a marriage partner is more important. The speeches of the on-site contestants shall be timed strictly according to the competition system.
It is said that lawyers are rational, but lawyers are also enthusiastic. Lips and tongues are swords and spears, and thoughts are the backing. At the beginning of the conversation, the wind and the clouds suddenly rise, and the sense of war suddenly arises. The debaters did everything they could. During the period, they demonstrated with examples, reproduced the scenes, and made witty remarks. Every link was a wonderful fight. At the scene, lawyers Hu Mingming and Liu Kai raised wonderful questions to liven up the atmosphere. At the end of the debate, lawyers Han Ying and Jia Jiayu expressed their views and commented on their wonderful performances.
Every time I listen to a speech, I have a new idea. For example: now I want to spend an autumn with you; If you want to hold your hand, walk on the road until dawn, you may be bitten by flying insects, and the temperature may drop at night. But because you like it, it's OK anyway... Let's say that a small book of 9 yuan is a lifetime agreement. Then, the daily necessities in life are a great masterpiece
The most difficult thing in the world is to choose. In this debate, which side is better than the right one? After one hour of fierce debate, the opposing side finally won the first group award by one vote. Yu Liyuan, a new lawyer, won the MVP of the best debater.
Mr. Lu Xun said, "what young people have is vitality. When they meet deep forests, they can be leveled, when they meet wilderness, they can plant trees, when they meet desert, they can dig wells and springs."
As a gathering place for young lawyers, the Youth Development Commission has built a platform for friendly exchanges and interaction. As the new reserve force of lawyers, they are the hope of the rule of law. In this competition, everyone also showed their due vigor.
Here, I wish our young lawyers can accumulate the cultural heritage, prosper the civilization of the rule of law, and cultivate the righteous spirit of Haoran; May our young lawyers become the mainstay of the law and the backbone of the country as soon as possible!