
Liaoning Tongfang law firm   Senior Partner

educational background

China University of Political Science and Law, Department of Economic Law, undergraduate

Work results

Ulrich lawyer has held in shenyang expeditious, urban housing demolition management office in shenyang, shenyang real estate trading center, the building property right registration and certification center in shenyang, shenyang state-owned assets guarantee co., LTD and expeditious shenhe district in shenyang, neusoft group co., LTD., zheshang bank, China resources liaoning pharmaceutical co., LTD., shenyang authority industry group co Limited company, Liaoning Santong Real Estate Development Co., LTD., Shenyang ZhongTI Real Estate Development Co., LTD., and other national and corporate legal counsel, acting for thousands of civil and administrative cases.

Social position

Representative of the 9th Liaoning Lawyers' Congress
Representative of the fifth and sixth Shenyang Lawyers' Congress
Deputy Director of the 5th Shenyang Lawyers Association Young Lawyers Development Committee
Representative of Shenyang law profession Party congress

Honors received

Excellent Party member lawyer of Liaoning Province
Excellent Party affairs worker in Liaoning Province
Excellent Lawyer of Liaoning Province
Excellent Party Member of Shenyang Bureau of Justice
Excellent lawyer of Shenyang City
Excellent female lawyer of Shenyang City