Thousands of Party members and lawyers offer love | the Party committee of Tongf

time:2021-05-21  author:admin  source:

On the morning of April 17, 2021, in order to respond to the call of the activity "thousands of Party members and lawyers give love" of the Shenyang lawyers Industry Committee of the Communist Party of China, establish a good image of Party members and lawyers of the same party, and welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with practical actions. Under the leadership of the Party committee, more than ten party members and lawyers of our institute joined hands with the Party committee of Wen'an Road community to carry out the love public welfare law popularization activities.
The activity was presided over by Dong Binbin, deputy secretary of the Party committee of Wen'an Road community. First, Lawyer Zhang Xin, the second party branch of zhongtongfang law firm, held a public welfare legal lecture for the residents of Wen'an road with the theme of "entering the civil code and escorting the new life". On the issues that the community residents are more concerned about, from the nature of the property service contract, the property service room of the road green space in the community, the garage parking space in the community Explain and answer questions for community residents on the legal liability of falling objects.

Subsequently, the Party member lawyers of Tongfang law firm presented the civil code to the community residents present.

After the donation, all Party members and lawyers present at Tongfang law firm launched a charity legal consultation activity. The lawyers had a cordial interaction with the residents of the community, and patiently and detailedly answered the questions concerning the property, neighborhood, heating, marriage, inheritance and other aspects involved in the daily life of the residents, so as to provide relevant legal support and assistance for the needs of the masses.
After the legal consultation activities, the party members and lawyers of Tongfang law firm also visited the photo display wall of Wen'an Road community, and had a detailed understanding and exchange with the community on the organization construction, community spirit, residents' autonomy, co construction and sharing of the community.

The activity received positive response from the community residents, and was affirmed and highly praised by the community leaders and residents. The activity was successfully concluded in the warm applause of the residents. Through a series of measures, the activity sent the civil code to ordinary people's homes, which not only reflected the great importance that Wen'an Road community attaches to improving residents' rights awareness and legal literacy, but also reflected the professional quality of Tongfang lawyers and their enthusiasm for public welfare undertakings.
Since its establishment, Tongfang law firm has been actively carrying out various public welfare activities under the leadership of its superiors and Party organizations, striving to popularize legal knowledge among the masses, so that the system rules tailored for the Chinese people and the legal provisions with practical characteristics and characteristics of the times can truly enter the reality from the paper, and let the masses "know the law", "understand the law", "use the law" and "abide by the law". In the future work, Tongfang lawyers will "never forget the original intention and keep the mission firmly in mind", practice the spirit of being a legal person with practical actions, and make their own contributions to better promote the comprehensive and effective implementation of the law.