Tongfang law firm carried out education and rectification on special treatment o

time:2021-04-01  author:admin  source:

Generally speaking, this team is good, but there are also many problems. For example, some legal practitioners are keen on "fame and profit", with improper behavior, lack of integrity and poor image; Even a few legal practitioners have weak political consciousness and maliciously attack China's political system and the rule of law.
  On March 16, 2021, the Shenyang Municipal Bureau of justice, the Shenyang Lawyers Association, and the Shenyang Party committee of the lawyers industry held a meeting on the special governance of the lawyers industry and the mobilization and deployment of party history study and education. Liaoning Tongfang law firm responded positively and held a mobilization and deployment meeting on special treatment, education and rectification of prominent problems in the lawyer industry of Tongfang law firm on the afternoon of March 20.

The meeting was presided over by Yang Xingquan, director of Tongfang Institute. The meeting focused on the major decision-making deployment of the Ministry of justice and the Department of justice on the special treatment of prominent problems in the lawyer industry and the spirit of the meeting on the special treatment of lawyers held by the Municipal Bureau of justice. More than 70 senior partners, partners and other lawyers and administrative personnel of Tongfang office participated.
  It is the urgent need to be brave in self revolution, solve the outstanding problems existing in the current lawyer industry, and consistently deepen and comprehensively strictly control the party; It is an inevitable requirement for practicing the purpose of justice for the people and establishing a new image of the judicial administrative team. Lawyers are an important part of the political and legal team. All lawyers should fully understand the importance and urgency of this activity, effectively enhance the sense of political responsibility and mission of the times of all lawyers, and consciously grasp this important political task well and achieve results.

In the next work, the law firm and all lawyers are required to further improve their political position, effectively change their thinking, focus on key points, and do solid work, so as to provide a strong legal guarantee for better serving the overall situation and firmly grasp the correct political direction of lawyers' work. We will uphold the party's absolute leadership over lawyers' work, strengthen our ideals and convictions, adhere to our original mission, work with the party in the same direction, and unswervingly follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.
Taking the opportunity of this special activity of education rectification, Yang naikun, President of Shenyang University of technology, invited by the Tongfang Institute, gave a party lesson with a clear theme entitled "the great significance of Yan'an rectification movement to the Chinese revolution".

Through study and exchange, all lawyers fully realized the necessity and importance of this special governance and party history learning and education activity. They all expressed that they would attach great importance to this activity and would not engage in formalism. According to the arrangement of the Municipal Bureau of justice and the law firm, they implemented this activity and promised to practice in strict accordance with laws and regulations, and strictly observe the bottom line of practicing ethics and discipline.
  This is a contribution to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

With the in-depth promotion of education rectification and special treatment of prominent problems, Tongfang office will take this opportunity to combine the two key work promoted by the judicial administration and the lawyers association with the party building work, the study of the history of the party and the history of new China, the improvement of the management level of the law firm, the study of politics and business, and the standardization construction of the law firm and the high-quality development of legal services. Present a new look and outstanding achievements to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party!