The Party committee of Tongfang law firm organized the party building activity w

time:2020-10-17  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

In order to cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs, inherit the red spirit, strengthen ideals and beliefs, and further strengthen the cohesion of the party organization. From October 16 to 17, 2020, the Party committee of Liaoning Tongfang law firm led by lawyer Yang Xingquan, Secretary of the Party committee, organized more than 20 party members to go to Huanren County, Benxi, Liaoning Province to carry out a two-day party building activity with the theme of "re walking the Anti Japanese Alliance Road and exploring the red mark".
The breeze is not dry, and the sun is just right. On October 16, in Fenglin Valley, the party members reviewed the arduous and indomitable revolutionary course of the Communist Party of China in seeking national independence and people's liberation.
We climbed mountains and mountains with high enthusiasm. We came to the treasure house where the symbol of "red mark" was hidden. We carried stones and turned over fallen leaves. We carefully searched for it. We did not miss any corner and felt the difficulty of the Anti Japanese Alliance. We stepped on the mountains and forests where the heroes walked. The forests were dense and dangerous. We climbed on foot and supported each other. We felt the cruelty of the war in those years and the hard won life today. Although the old road of the Anti Japanese League has changed, the revolutionary spirit of the martyrs is worth passing down from generation to generation.

"We are hand in hand, we are shoulder to shoulder, and we are united to move towards tomorrow". In Fenglin Valley, Tongfang's songs resound through the mountains, encouraging everyone to shoulder the heavy responsibility entrusted by the times!
During the visit, everyone stopped to gaze and admire from time to time. They were deeply shocked by the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives and fought with blood and the firm revolutionary ideals and convictions of people with lofty ideals and the revolutionary spirit of fearing no sacrifice and danger.
On October 17, the second stop of the party building activities, we came to the red culture corridor of Mangu town. In the corridor, there are pictures and texts. In the corridor, the party members stopped to listen to the revolutionary scenes of the heroes of the Anti Japanese Alliance, and understood in detail the moving stories of the Northeast Anti Japanese Alliance against the Japanese aggressors. I was deeply moved by the heroic deeds of our ancestors, their indomitable national integrity, and their revolutionary feelings of loyalty to save the country. This exhibition is not only a reappearance of history, but also a warning to the future.

They all said that as Party members in the new era, while remembering the martyrs, we should cherish today's great opportunities, better inherit and carry forward the revolutionary spirit of fearing difficulties and being hard-working, and devote ourselves to the healthy and sustainable development of the lawyer industry with a higher sense of responsibility and mission.
The charm of the times of red culture is blooming with new light and stirring cultural confidence. The party building activity organized by the Party committee of Liaoning Tongfang law firm is a re study of the magnificent development history of the Communist Party of China, and a deep memory and lofty tribute to the revolutionary ancestors; At the same time, it also puts forward further requirements for the party members of Tongfang office to always maintain the spirit of struggle of the Communists and the sense of purpose of serving the people, and strive for the development of the lawyer industry.