The Party branch of Tongfang law firm cooperated with the Party committee of Wen

time:2019-03-05  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

In order to carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and build a happy party branch, and at the same time, in order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, enhance the four self-confidence of Party members and enhance the cohesion of the Party branch. On March 5, 2019, the Party branch of Tongfang law firm, in conjunction with the Party committee of Wen'an Road community, Nanhu sub district of the Communist Party of China in the local community, jointly carried out the theme party day activity of "carrying forward Lei Feng's spirit and building a happy home" and "collective viewing of wandering earth" at Poly International Cinema, K11 shopping center. Nearly 80 people, including Cao Yuanjun, deputy secretary of the Party branch of Tongfang law firm and all Party members of the Party branch, Hu Jingqin, Dai Xi, Secretary of the Party committee of Wen'an Road community of Nanhu sub district of the Communist Party of China, secretaries of all Party branches and outstanding Party members of the community, participated in the theme party day activity.

The film "wandering the earth" opened the first year of Chinese sci-fi film creation, and is an internal expression of scientific and technological power and cultural confidence.   The film has aroused strong repercussions from all film viewers, and everyone is excited and proud.
Since June 2017, Tongfang law firm has established a perennial party building exchange and beneficial service cooperation relationship with the advanced grass-roots party organization in Liaoning Province - Wen'an Road community, Nanhu sub district, the Communist Party of China. Last year, the two sides cooperated with the Liaoning Provincial Museum to successfully carry out the activity of "party members sending culture into the community - road of rejuvenation". This film viewing activity is another distinctive party building activity jointly carried out by the Party branch and the Party committee of Wen'an Road community of Nanhu sub district. After that, the two sides will further jointly carry out various forms of Party building exchange activities.