Xiong Xuanguo, Vice Minister of the Ministry of justice, visited the exhibition

time:2022-09-01  author:admin  source:


Tongfang exhibition site

On the morning of September 1, 2022, Xiong Xuanguo, Vice Minister of the Ministry of justice, Zhao Zhenhua, director of the lawyers' Work Bureau of the Ministry of justice, and Tian Xin, Secretary General of the all China Lawyers Association, visited the legal service exhibition area of China International Trade in services trade fair to visit the law firms and other legal service institutions participating in the trade in services trade fair. During the visit, they visited the exhibition area of Tongfang law firm to understand the development of Tongfang law firm, And exchanged views on the foreign-related business development and foreign-related personnel training of Tongfang Institute. Director Yang Xingquan made a report and explanation.
The exhibition team of Tongfang is led by Yang Xingquan, President of Liaoning Lawyers Association and director of Tongfang law firm. The members include Bai Zhiwei, senior partner of Tongfang law firm and director of Beijing Branch, Liu Yu, partner of Tongfang law firm and director of foreign business professional committee, Zhang Xiaohan, member of business development Committee of Tongfang law firm, Yang Li, executive director and Jiang Jintang, administrative assistant.
During the meeting, Tongfang law firm made careful preparations, designed and arranged cultural exhibition boards, brochures, exquisite hand gifts and other items related to the exhibition, and displayed the business development, outstanding advantages and outstanding achievements of Tongfang law firm's foreign-related legal services from multiple angles and all directions, highlighting the good quality image of "elite, excellent, sincere and progressive" of the foreign-related service team.


Tongfang law firm attaches great importance to the construction of foreign-related legal service capacity, is committed to accelerating the training of foreign-related lawyers and focusing on building a professional lawyer team - Tongfang foreign-related business team. The team is composed of high-quality foreign-related lawyers with strong foreign-related legal service ability, including 22 lawyers, legal assistants and legal advisers. Among them, 9 members have overseas study or work experience, are familiar with English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Mongolian and other languages, and can fully use foreign languages as the working language to provide legal services.


The foreign-related business team of Tongfang law firm is committed to "pay our youth and shine our China" "As a mission, we are committed to the long-term peace and stability of the country, the happiness and well-being of the people, the great rejuvenation of the nation, and the comprehensive revitalization of the local economy. This is the purpose of the establishment of the foreign-related business team of Tongfang law firm and the original intention and feelings of every member of the foreign-related business team of Tongfang law firm. In the future, Tongfang law firm will actively respond to the national all-round opening-up development strategy and base itself on the East The development trend and demand of legal services in North Asia will constantly improve the ability of foreign-related legal services, further expand the scope of foreign-related legal services, and provide more high-quality and comprehensive legal services.


Exhibition details

Viewing time

August 31 - September 5, 2022

Exhibition area address

Hall 5, Shougang Park, National Convention Center

Booth No


Tongfang sincerely invites you to visit the exhibition!