Focus on the two sessions | the lawyers of the same party participated in the tw

time:2022-05-11  author:admin  source:

From January 19 to 23, 2022, the fifth meeting of the 12th Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference and the sixth meeting of the 13th Liaoning Provincial People's Congress were successively held in Shenyang. Lawyer Yang Xingquan, director of Tongfang law firm, and Lawyer Zhang Xinhui, senior partner of Tongfang law firm, attended the grand meeting as a representative of Liaoning Provincial People's Congress and a member of Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, performing their duties dutifully and offering suggestions.

They actively perform the duties of deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, convey the feelings of the people, express public opinions, and actively make suggestions and suggestions for the development of a society ruled by law. The proposal put forward by Lawyer Zhang Xinhui to establish a reasonable case handling limit for judges has received positive response from the Liaoning Provincial Higher People's court and will be seriously absorbed in the work of improving the performance appraisal system.

Give advice to senior officials and forge consensus. Tongfang lawyers have gathered a large number of excellent lawyers to join the team of participating in the administration and discussion of state affairs. There are 7 deputies to people's congresses at all levels and members of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference. This team will give full play to its professional advantages, consciously practice the purpose of performing its duties for the people, continue to help improve people's wellbeing, and make suggestions for the construction of the rule of law in Liaoning.