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time:2022-05-09  author:admin  source:

Recently, various districts of our city held meetings of NPC deputies and CPPCC members. Lawyers Han Ying, Yang Dawei, Liu Yang and Qiu Hui from Tongfang office attended the meetings respectively.  
Lawyer Han Ying of Tongfang office was elected as the deputy head of the opening delegation of the 19th people's Congress of Tiexi District, Shenyang.

Personal profile
Senior partner of Liaoning Tongfang law firm, deputy of Tiexi District People's Congress of Shenyang, vice chairman of Youth Committee of Liaoning Federation of overseas Chinese, deputy director of education and Training Committee of Liaoning Lawyers Association, member of Liaoning Youth Federation, vice chairman of Shenyang Youth Federation, member of Shenyang new Federation, vice chairman of Shenyang Heping District new Federation, student growth practice tutor of College of liberal arts and law of Northeast University, special invited lawyer of "help you find a lawyer" column of Liaoning TV Special contributor of Shenyang evening news;
His practice field is good at litigation and execution. Since his practice, he has a high success rate. He is mainly engaged in litigation and legal affairs in civil and commercial contract disputes, construction engineering, real estate and the company's legal advisory business. He is good at handling commercial legal disputes of companies and enterprises, has many years of experience in the real estate industry, and is good at handling lawsuits and other legal affairs in the field of construction engineering and real estate.

Lawyer Liu Yang of Tongfang office was elected as a member of the 15th Committee of Sujiatun District, Shenyang.

Personal profile
Partner of Liaoning Tongfang law firm, visiting professor of language and Culture College of Shenyang City University, director of Liaoning Criminal Law Research Association, vice chairman of Shenyang revolutionary revolutionary Entrepreneurs Association, vice chairman of Shenyang Sujiatun District Federation of industry and commerce, vice chairman of Shenyang Sujiatun District Guangcai Enterprise Promotion Association, vice chairman of Shenyang Sujiatun District CPPCC Entrepreneurs Association, member of the 13th, 14th and 15th CPPCC Chairman of Sujiatun District new Federation of Shenyang, executive member of Sujiatun District Overseas Chinese Federation business association of Shenyang, member of the lawyers' rights and Interests Protection Committee of Shenyang Lawyers Association, and member of the legal advisory professional committee of the government of Shenyang Lawyers Association;
Lawyer Liu Yang has been working as a lawyer for ten years, based on providing perennial legal advisory services for enterprises and institutions, and has strong communication and coordination ability and social activity ability. In the process of providing legal services for the consulting enterprises, the lawyer team led by the company cleared the arrears of more than 20 million yuan for the cooperative enterprises through non litigation negotiation and litigation execution procedures, which was fully recognized by the cooperative enterprises and achieved good social effects.

Lawyer Yang Dawei of Tongfang office was elected as the representative of the 19th people's Congress of Heping District of Shenyang.

Personal profile

Partner of Liaoning Tongfang law firm, once served as a judge of the civil trial court of a court in Shenyang; In 2013, he was selected to the internal and Judicial Affairs Committee of Shenyang Municipal People's Congress (now the judicial supervision committee), mainly responsible for local legislation, coordinating the judicial supervision of the municipal court, the municipal procuratorate, the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Judicial Bureau;
It is mainly engaged in major civil and commercial litigation and arbitration business, and has rich experience in mineral resources, construction, real estate and other industries. It mainly hears real estate cases involving construction contract disputes, land disputes, commercial housing sales disputes, housing sales and leasing, etc., with an average of more than 300 cases closed each year, and the number and quality of cases closed are among the best in the court.

Lawyer Qiu Hui of Tongfang office was elected as a member of the Fifth Committee of Shenyang Shenbei New District of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference.

Personal profile

Partner of Liaoning Tongfang law firm, excellent lawyer of Heping District of Shenyang, member of the labor and social security legal professional committee of Liaoning Lawyers Association, member of the legal advisory professional committee of the government of Shenyang Lawyers Association, member of the civil tort Professional Committee of Shenyang Lawyers Association, Deputy Secretary General of the new Union of Shenbei New District of Shenyang City, and former director of the legal business department of Liaoning Zhenxing bank;
Since practicing in 2008, he has served as the legal adviser of many large companies, listed companies, government organs and institutions, and has handled many litigation and non litigation businesses involving companies, finance, contracts, real estate and other fields.