Tongfang business | Tongfang Institute successfully carried out "intellectual pr

time:2022-05-09  author:admin  source:

On the afternoon of November 19, 2021, Tongfang youth innovation space on the 43rd floor successfully held the offline business training course of Tongfang school with the theme of "intellectual property management and practice", and nearly 30 lawyers in the institute actively participated in this activity.

The course was given by Liu Xingwei, Deputy Secretary General of Shenyang Intellectual Property Association, Deputy Secretary General of Liaoning Provincial Lawyers Association intellectual property and Internet Professional Committee, and lawyer of Tongfang Institute. Lawyer Liu is mainly engaged in major and difficult civil and commercial affairs, government legal services, bankruptcy liquidation, intellectual property rights and social organization compliance construction. He has rich experience in trademark, copyright and other intellectual property business, the construction, maintenance and operation of IPMS (intellectual property management system), as well as major civil and commercial affairs, intellectual property litigation, company cases, government legal counsel and intellectual property management system construction.

Speaker of this issue: Lawyer Liu Xingwei

Lawyer Gai Wentao, member of the business development committee of Tongfang office and partner of Tongfang office, attended and presided over the event. Lawyer Gai said that the business training course of Tongfang school was of great learning significance, and praised Lawyer Liu Xingwei for actively sharing professional knowledge this time. Lawyer Gai encouraged other lawyers and colleagues to actively participate in the course and share their relevant knowledge in the field for learning and exchange.

Lawyer Gai Wentao presided over the training

At the beginning of the course, Lawyer Liu Xingwei shared and introduced his excellent achievements in intellectual property related work, and then focused on intellectual property management and practice focusing on "intellectual property management, trademark business, and judicial protection of patent rights from communique cases".
Lawyer Liu made comprehensive use of a variety of wonderful practical cases as materials, connected theory and cases, and explained intellectual property management and practice in simple terms, bringing everyone a full share of dry goods. The atmosphere of the course is compact and vivid, which enables colleagues to deepen their understanding and understanding of the field of intellectual property, further enhance relevant professional knowledge, understand the legitimate rights and interests of intellectual property owners, various rules and regulations, and take corresponding measures and strategies. The training effect is remarkable.

Through the successful holding of this Tongfang school training, all lawyers participating in the meeting expressed that they benefited greatly. In the future, Tongfang office will continue to carry out various business training, give full play to the talent advantages, realize the exchange and sharing of resources within the office, effectively improve the business level of lawyers of Tongfang office, continue to strengthen the professional quality of lawyers within the office, and ensure that better legal services are provided to customers in a comprehensive, professional and efficient manner.