Forge ahead, leap from the beginning • Tongxin gather to continue the chapter |

time:2021-04-12  author:admin  source:

This is the beginning of the four seasons. On March 20, 2021, Tongfang law firm held the 2021 annual general meeting of partners. The conference has been prepared for a long time, with the theme of "forge ahead, leap from the beginning, unite with one heart to continue the Chinese Chapter". More than 60 people, including all partners and heads of branches, attended the conference. They gathered together to systematically sort out the achievements made in 2019-2020, jointly discuss the beautiful vision of 2021, and make democratic decisions on important rules and regulations.
In order to gather consensus, clarify the direction and form a joint force. According to the actual situation and development needs of the firm, on the day of the meeting, in accordance with the rules of procedure of the meeting, the partners participating in the meeting took the lead in grouping around four major topics for discussion according to the principle of voluntary composition.
Specifically, it involves business development and team building, talent strategy and financial control, publicity and brand building, market development of public sources of cases and development of young lawyers. We had in-depth exchanges and discussions on the four major issues and reached consensus on many issues, which had a profound impact on the development strategy and direction of the firm in the next few years.

Lawyer Cao Yuanjun, senior partner of Tongfang office, first reported on the two major modules of Party building and business. The report details the party building work and public welfare activities in 2020, reports the professional construction and business management, and puts forward plans. Lawyer Cao said that in the new year, he will continue to adhere to the concept of "party building leads, and Party building promotes the construction of the Institute" and unremittingly carry out the party building work. At the same time, he will promote the development and development of the same party in the business field with the goal of cultivating ingenious lawyers and building a leading team. Actively participate, do not be a bystander, concentrate, do not hold a spectator's heart, and realize the mutual development of individuals and law firms.

Lawyer Chen Linlin, senior partner of Tongfang office, briefly introduced the work content of the module, focusing on how to improve the development direction of Tongfang office's brand image construction. We hope to get the strong support and generous advice from all partners, do a good job in publicity and promotion for the law firm, and realize the synergy of online and offline brand construction.
Lawyer Li Jing, senior partner of Tongfang office, mainly gave a report on the revenue in 2020, comprehensively introduced the income generation, expenses and taxes of Tongfang office in 2020, explained the administrative work plan of 2021, and stressed the need to further provide service guarantee for lawyers in 2021 and safeguard the rights of lawyers in the office.
Lawyer Han Ying, senior partner of Tongfang office, mainly reported on the market and the development of young lawyers. She stressed that it is necessary to focus on tapping public sources of cases, actively explore innovative legal service models in the joint construction of free trade zones, explore new attempts in global legal services in the big era with an international perspective, expand the market scope and enhance the brand value. At the same time, lawyer Han comprehensively demonstrated the work contents and achievements of the Youth Development Commission in 2020, and said that in the new year, as always, various cultural and sports activities will be organized irregularly to promote the growth of young lawyers and strengthen the cohesion, unity and cooperation among lawyers.

Yang Li, the chief executive officer, introduced the division of relevant posts to the newly established administrative team, and identified the business module areas to be improved in 2021. She will continue to do a good job of service support for all lawyers.

Li Haiyi, senior partner of Tongfang Institute, made a speech as a judge. He introduced the work carried out by the examination and evaluation committee in 2020, namely, supervising the implementation of various resolutions of the management committee, implementing major decisions, and performing relevant responsibilities of risk control and mediation and lawyers' rights and interests protection. In 2021, the examination and evaluation committee will focus on the work objectives of the law firm and the Executive Committee, actively cooperate with the work of the law firm, make suggestions and suggestions on major resolutions, improve innovation ability, change work style, and effectively perform work duties.

Yang Xingquan, director of Tongfang office, made a summary on the administrative management, brand building and team building in 2020, advocated to fully promote the professional construction of lawyers, and put forward expectations for 2021. He proposed that all partners should take the high-quality development of the law firm as the goal, constantly enhance their sense of responsibility, have the courage to take responsibility, and earnestly fulfill the management responsibilities of partners to the law firm. The Executive Committee, together with the partners, will continue to adhere to the working principle of "seeking truth and pragmatism, and making steady progress", further strengthen the daily fine management of the law firm, strive to complete all work tasks in 2021, and strive to achieve the development goal of a strong regional law firm.