Tongfang law firm's first law practice salon focused on Lawyers' participation i

time:2020-11-24  author:Tongfang lawyer  source:

With the deepening of the construction of socialist rule of law, the society's requirements for lawyers have also risen. Returning to theory, enriching theory, guiding practice with theory and promoting theory with practice have become the consensus of the lawyer industry. This is especially important for young lawyers at the beginning of their career.
In order to better guide and stimulate Tongfang lawyers' passion for exploring legal practice and promote the combination of theory and practice, the legal practice salon entitled "lawyers' participation in local legislative business", which was actively advocated and sponsored by the business development committee of Liaoning Tongfang law firm, was opened in the youth innovation space on the 43rd floor on the afternoon of November 24, 2020.
Yang Xingquan, director of Tongfang Institute, participated in the salon and made a concluding speech. Ma Linping, director of Dalian Branch of Tongfang Institute, and Cao Yuanjun, senior partner and head of Business Development Committee of Tongfang Institute, delivered opening speeches. More than 30 senior partners, professional lawyers, paralegals and trainee lawyers from the Institute participated in the activity. The salon has set up four segments to deliver speeches: "opening speech", "keynote speech", "keynote speech" and "closing speech".
Lawyer Cao Yuanjun made a speech at the opening. As one of the initiators of this salon, lawyer Cao emphasized the importance and necessity of this salon: famous law firms across the country pay more and more attention to the theoretical basis and quality of young lawyers when recruiting young lawyers. A high-end law firm must be a law firm with deep business and academic research. At the same time, we hope that this exchange can promote the colleagues of Tongfang Institute to improve their legal literacy and enhance their business ability.
Lawyer Ma Linping delivered a speech on the theme of lawyers' responsibilities and responsibilities in local legislative practice. As a legal worker, lawyers have the most advanced practice. We should actively explore ways and means for lawyers to participate in local legislation. We also encourage lawyers to improve their own quality, not only from practice, but also to properly grasp the spirit of the Party Central Committee and the deployment of the provincial and municipal Party committees. We call on all of us to reflect the mission and responsibility of legal people at the historical starting point of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way!
Then we entered the important part of this salon: keynote report and keynote speech. The participants conducted discussions around the theme. The theme was clear and focused, with strong pertinence and applicability.
The salon specially designed the island shaped seats in the youth innovation space. The space is open and convenient for communication in the way of "guest speakers".
With the theme of lawyers' participation in local legislative business, the salon explored the nature, characteristics, participation methods and work contents of local legislative business, aiming to open up multiple channels of thought exchange, experience discussion and ability improvement by building a platform for interaction between theoretical research and work practice.
The speakers of the first salon are mainly part-time lawyers who are both law teachers and professional lawyers. The members include lawyers Liu Dawei, GE Zhuangzhi, Jiang Zhe, Peng Peng and Han Jia. Lawyer Chen Linlin, senior partner of Tongfang office and member of the legislative group, was specially invited to give a keynote speech. It is presided over by Qi Wei, a law doctor of Northeast University and a lawyer of our institute.
 At this salon, Lawyer Liu Dawei gave a keynote report. From the perspective of lawyers' participation in local legislative business, he made a brief discussion on the basic process, work business and specific practice of local legislation, so that everyone had a basic understanding of local legislative business. He pointed out that looking at the current legislation, the forces within the system such as the legislative department and the judicial department still play a major role. A practical and useful law must be widely participated in by all sectors of the society, and the profession of lawyers has extensive contacts with all sectors of the society. Therefore, lawyers' participation in the legislation is conducive to expressing the voices of all sectors of the society and enabling the legislation to fully reflect public opinions.
Lawyer Chen Linlin gave a keynote speech as a special guest. She first introduced Tongfang's participation in legislation in previous years, and analyzed why lawyers should participate in legislation from the perspective of the impact of lawyers' participation in local legislation on individuals, the industry and the society, and drew a blueprint for young lawyers' participation in local legislation. She believes that the legislative work is political and professional. As one of the first batch of local legislative pilot projects in the province, Tongfang Institute has gathered talents, social resources, academic research and other multi-dimensional advantages. It should make full use of talents and put talents in their place, so as to improve the professionalism and accuracy of serving local legislation.
Taking the regulations of China (Liaoning) pilot Free Trade Zone implemented on October 1, 2018 as the starting point, lawyer Ge Zhuangzhi mainly introduced the practice of Liaoning lawyers participating in the local legislation of the free trade zone. He said that as an important participant in judicial practice, lawyers have a clearer understanding of the problems and needs to be improved in the implementation of existing laws and regulations. Entrusted legislation has become a model of the legislative reform of the people's Congress. Lawyers will play an increasingly important role in local legislation.
Lawyer Jiang Zhe gave a keynote speech entitled "theoretical basis and practical basis for lawyers to participate in local legislative evaluation". He said that in China, lawyers' participation in the pre legislative assessment of local legislation is still a new issue and should be actively promoted. On the one hand, it is necessary to establish a standardized local pre legislative assessment mechanism; on the other hand, it is necessary to improve the personnel allocation of the subject of pre legislative assessment, promote the concept transformation, system guarantee and resource optimization, so as to overcome the randomness and blindness of legislation and improve the effectiveness and scientificity of local legislation.
Lawyer Peng Peng discusses the main ways and means of lawyers' participation in legislation, the main problems faced and how to improve and standardize them. She believes that in terms of legislation, its essence is the game and balance of the interests of all parties, and lawyers, as a non institutional subject, are not interfered by any unit or individual, so they are more independent. Therefore, participation in legislation conforms to the trend of mutual coordination between legislative demand and supply, and is also the basic requirement for scientific, democratic and legal legislation.
Lawyer Han Jia said that lawyers' participation in legislation has its professional advantages and opportunities, which is the general trend. Young lawyers' participation in local legislation should be understood from the following three aspects. First, as the executor and defender of the law, lawyers should be good at capturing universal problems with their hearts; Second, lawyers should consciously build a knowledge system based on the needs of the industry while improving their basic practicing skills; Third, we should profoundly understand the significance of participating in local legislation.
The keynote speakers participating in the salon activities, in combination with their own work and research fields, focused on the theoretical basis, practical basis, ways and means of lawyers' participation in local legislation, focusing on Lawyers' participation in local legislation. They spoke freely and expressed their opinions. The atmosphere at the scene was very hot, with significant effects and good responses.
 After carefully listening to your speeches, lawyer Yang Xingquan made a concluding speech. He said that relying on this form of "salon" with appropriate scale and topics close to reality is conducive to promoting communication and mutual enlightenment. Their speeches were clear-cut and focused on the theme, which not only broadened thinking but also made people think. It also emphasizes that lawyers' participation in local legislation is a new measure for lawyers to give full play to their functions and serve social management innovation. In the new era, lawyers should develop their business ideas, change their work functions, and actively provide high-quality legal services for the government's social management innovation. We are willing to work with the same institute to pool wisdom for the modernization of social governance at the provincial and municipal levels.
This practice salon is the first legal practice Salon of Tongfang Institute. In the future, the Industrial Development Commission will make full use of seminars, salons, forums and other forms to build a platform for communication with lawyers of our institute, and actively create conditions for colleagues to carry out academic research and exchange, so as to realize greater value of lawyers.