Congratulations | Tongfang lawyers successfully completed the special cleaning a

time:2020-09-20  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

Liaoning Tongfang law firm, as the only law firm designated by the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Liaoning Provincial People's Congress, was entrusted by the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Liaoning Provincial People's Congress on September 20, 2020 to take full charge of the special clearance and inventory of local laws and regulations at the provincial level on the implementation of the civil code.
Members of the "Tongfang legislative Advisory Group" of Liaoning Tongfang law firm: Chen Linlin, Wang Chen, Jiang Zhe, Zhang Guodong, Xu Wenzhuo and Luan Yang spent 20 days reviewing 186 local laws and regulations in Liaoning Province one by one and putting forward suggestions for amendment.
This review of laws and regulations involves the newly revised and added key areas in the civil code, such as the protection of property rights, the protection of personality rights, the protection of ecological environment, the promotion of socialist core values, and the improvement of the market economy system. The focus of the review is whether it is contrary to the legislative purpose and principles of the civil code, and whether there is any offset, change or circumvention of the civil code.
The six lawyers in charge of the legislative advisory group of the same party put forward opinions or suggestions on amending or abolishing the local laws and regulations and their provisions that are inconsistent with the spirit, principles and provisions of the civil code one by one, and focused on those that are contrary to the core values of socialism Suggestions for amendment or repeal of laws and regulations that do not meet the requirements of the principle of "saving resources and protecting the ecological environment" and that impair the legitimate rights and interests of natural persons, legal persons and non legal organizations or add obligations. At the same time, it also evaluated the list of problems and opinions sorted out by the local regulation proponents and put forward opinions or suggestions one by one.
Tongfang lawyers have successfully completed the legislative evaluation task with professional and efficient ability. For the popularization and publicity of the civil code, for the promotion and innovation of the legislative work in Liaoning Province, and for the consistency and coordination between local laws and national laws, Tongfang lawyers have undertaken their due social responsibilities. Tongfang lawyers will continue to make efforts and contribute to the legislation of Liaoning Province!