The first batch of | Tongfang law firms joined the legal service alliance of She

time:2020-08-27  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

During the three years of operation in Shenyang area of China (Liaoning) pilot Free Trade Zone, it has always insisted on taking institutional innovation as the core, benchmarking the general rules of international trade, boldly trying, boldly breaking new ground and making independent changes. On this land of 29.97 square kilometers, an institutional revolution is advancing in depth, and the market is perceiving the change of the government.
With the gradual improvement of the policy system, the continuous improvement of the carrier function, and the continuous acceleration of enterprise agglomeration, new disputes have also been generated. To promote the settlement of disputes between market economic entities in the free trade zone and build a business environment ruled by law, the free trade zone should become a "demonstration zone of the rule of law" and a "pioneer zone of the rule of law". This not only puts forward higher requirements for lawyers, but also brings new opportunities for legal services.
On the afternoon of August 27, 2020, the administrative committee of Shenyang area of China (Liaoning) pilot free trade zone (hereinafter referred to as Shenyang area) held the launching ceremony of the legal service alliance of Shenyang area of China (Liaoning) pilot free trade zone and the comprehensive legal service Summit Forum in the Northeast press release hall. Yang Xingquan, director of Liaoning Tongfang law firm, and Han Ying, lawyer, were invited to attend and sand the launching ceremony. Liaoning Tongfang law firm became one of the first member units of the legal service alliance.
The legal alliance was initiated and established by Shenyang District. The first batch of member units include 21 law firms. Taking the establishment of the legal service alliance of Shenyang free trade zone as an opportunity, the legal service exchange platform was created.
The purpose of this forum is to continuously strengthen the coordination and cooperation with law firms, arbitration institutions and other institutions through the legal service alliance, give play to the respective expertise of 21 law firms, and provide constructive and professional legal opinions for the reform and innovation of the free trade zone around the reform of benchmarking international high-level economic and trade rules, financial opening and innovation, deregulation and service reform, fair competition system and other aspects. At the same time, relying on the soon to be established free trade zone court, it will form a first-class domestic legal alliance integrating legal service resources such as lawyers, arbitration, justice and notarization, and create a legal, international and convenient business environment.
At the meeting, members of the alliance said: as legal service providers, we will certainly integrate services into the development strategic planning of the free trade zone, improve our standing, constantly innovate service concepts, models and methods, and integrate the best legal service modules into the grand blueprint of the construction of the free trade zone.
The summit forum also invited experts and scholars from the legal community to give keynote speeches on Benchmarking international advanced rules, and discussed and exchanged views on the concept of comprehensive legal services in the free trade zone, the upgrading of the free trade zone from facilitation to liberalization, the protection of intellectual property rights and the construction of a legal business environment.
With the further expansion of the outward orientation and openness of the free trade zone economy, the market has put forward higher requirements for the efficiency, level and mode of legal services.
Liaoning Tongfang law firm, as a comprehensive partnership law firm, has always adhered to the operation concept of "walking on the same road and keeping the right side" for many years to provide customers with all-round, multi-level and efficient legal services, and has formed the brand advantages of Tongfang in government legal affairs, finance, real estate, foreign affairs, corporate legal affairs, intellectual property, criminal, civil and other professional fields. As a group with high legal quality, professional technology, analytical and comprehensive ability and a sense of mission, lawyers have a lot of practical experience and advantages.
As a member unit of the alliance, in the future, Tongfang Institute will also take the initiative, provide high-quality services, open up and innovate, explore a new mode of innovative legal services in the free trade zone, explore a new attempt of global legal services in the big era with an international perspective, and provide a more solid and effective legal guarantee for the sustainable development of the free trade zone strategy of governments at all levels.