Innovation and transformation, winning the future -- the general trend of our pa

time:2020-05-17  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

On the afternoon of May 17, 2020, 41 partners of our firm held a meeting in conference room 8, floor 6, block a, Wanxin building, Huangchao. At the meeting, Yang Xingquan, director of the management committee, made a report entitled "innovation and transformation, win the future". Then, Lawyer Liu Hong, executive supervisor, delivered a speech at the meeting, voted to pass the revised Partnership Agreement and articles of association, elected the director of the firm, and Yang Xingquan, director of the office, made an explanation on the institutional setting plan and other reform matters, We voted to pass the resolutions of the members of the management organization and the admission of senior partners and general partners, discussed and adopted the rules for the operation of youth entrepreneurship space, the self-discipline code for partners and other systems, and appointed six senior lawyers as our consultants.
The meeting elected Yang Xingquan as the director of Liaoning Tongfang law firm; An executive committee composed of five lawyers, Yang Xingquan, Cao Yuanjun, Chen Linlin, Han Ying and Li Jing, with Yang Xingquan as the head of the Executive Committee; An evaluation and supervision committee composed of three lawyers, Li Haiyi, Luo Dan and Liu qinqun, was established. Lawyer Li Haiyi was the principal of the evaluation and Supervision Committee; Li Lizhi and other three lawyers were recruited as senior partners and partners of the firm.
The meeting decided to employ lawyer Huang Yong as the management consultant, Lawyer Wang Tong as the financial consultant, lawyer Wu Xiaobo as the human resources consultant, Lawyer Liu Hong as the business consultant, lawyer Hui Zhaoyang as the market consultant, and Lawyer Zhang Hongchao as the brand consultant.
This meeting is an extremely important partner meeting in the history of Tongfang. The meeting established a new organization, formulated a corresponding system model, and defined the development direction. Director Yang Xingquan said that Tongfang has made great achievements and accumulated many problems that need to be solved urgently after 20 years of development. Looking forward to the future, Tongfang is facing important opportunities and severe challenges. Whether to promote or sink, whether to remain stagnant or to dare to reform, overcome shortcomings and achieve transformation, and to approach and achieve the goal of building a first-class law firm in China, it requires everyone in Tongfang to unite as one Only when we make up our minds can we achieve new development.