Tongfang law firm held the commendation meeting of "the 20th anniversary celebra

time:2019-12-06  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

 On December 6, 2019, Tongfang law firm successfully held the forum and celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the law firm. Leaders, guests and all colleagues of Tongfang law firm from the National Law Association, the China world alliance, the provincial and Shenyang lawyers participated in the celebration. The celebrations are of high standard, rich in content and warm and complete. The celebration fully demonstrated the brilliant achievements made by Tongfang Institute in the past 20 years, the spirit of Tongfang people's unity and struggle and carrying forward the cause and opening up the future, the outstanding and talented characteristics of Tongfang lawyers, and the feelings, responsibilities and style of Tongfang people. Through the dissemination of Liaoning Daily and other news media, the celebration has generated strong industry recognition and good social repercussions, showing the good image of Tongfang lawyers. In this regard, we should commend those who have made contributions to the success of the celebration and give them material and spiritual rewards.
The commendation meeting was held at 11:00 a.m. on December 13 in the youth innovation space of Tongfang law firm. The electronic screen clearly displayed the Tongfang spirit of "everyone loves everyone, everyone works hard and everyone is strong".
With the broadcast of the song "towards tomorrow" by Tongfang, under the chairmanship of senior partner Chen Linlin, senior partner Liu Hong read out the decision of the management committee, and senior partners Yang Xingquan, Liu Hong, Chen Linlin and Li Jing presented lilies to the performance teams and service guarantee personnel with outstanding contributions in the celebration and awarded prizes.
Director Yang Xingquan delivered a speech. He said: the 20th anniversary celebration of Tongfang is the highest level and largest activity in the 20 years since the establishment of the Institute. The successful holding of the ceremony has well displayed the good image of the people of the same party, which is the result of the joint efforts of all the people of the same party. Your selfless efforts and wisdom, hard work and tiredness for the celebration activities of Tongfang should be fully recognized! Your efforts have been transformed into the centripetal force and cohesion of the people of the same party, and into the execution and combat power of the same party! Let's be like what is marked on the background picture: everyone loves each other, everyone works hard and everyone is strong.
Attachment: list of 48 winners:
Ma Linping, Geng LuHong, Chen Linlin, Zhang Hongchao, Liu qinqun, Zhou Shuang, Zou Donghui, Wang Tao, Gai Wentao, Wang Sicong, Yang Dawei, Lin Lin, Peng Peng, Liu Kai, Liu Chunwei, Yao Jiye, Bai Siqi, Ding Yunpeng, Han Jia, men Chunxiao, Yang Zhijing, Yang Jingyu, Wu Menglai, di Zhanjiao, song Shitong, song Chunyu, Song Yuan, Zhang Dandan, Han Xiaoguang, Zhang Nina, Wang Lei, Zhang Xin, Wu Xing, Jin Lu, Zhao sining, Jiang Nan Luan Yang, Gao Xing, Xu Wenzhuo, Xu PengEn, Cai Xia, Guo Zheping, Wang Zhibo, Zhang Nannan, Wang Chao, Wang Hanqi, Lu Tingting, Ma He