Tongfang law firm successfully co organized the high-end forum "social responsib

time:2019-12-06  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

Present at the forum were Zhang Jingzhong, member of the Party committee of the National Lawyers industry and vice president of the all China Lawyers Association; Liu Guiming, vice president of the Lawyers Law Research Association of the China Law Society and chief editor of the democracy and legal system magazine; Han Deyun, deputy to the National People's Congress, former president of the Chongqing Lawyers Association and chairman of the China World Law Association; Wang Dekai, Secretary of the Party group and executive vice president of the Liaoning law society; he Keren, director of the lawyers' Work Office of the Liaoning Provincial Department of justice, Gao Jiansheng, President of Shanxi Lawyers Association, Yang Yufu, executive director of all China Lawyers Association and former president of Tianjin Lawyers Association, directors and executive partners of member offices of China World Law Association, presidents and vice presidents of Shanxi Lawyers Association, presidents, vice presidents and Secretary General of lawyers associations from all cities in the Province, directors and Secretary General of some special committees and professional committees, and lawyers in Shenyang.
After accepting the task of undertaking the affairs of the forum, Tongfang office, from the director to the staff, from the manager of the high partner to the team lawyer, went all out, carefully planned, worked hard, worked in unity and cooperation, and successfully completed the preparation of the agenda, laying a good foundation for the successful holding of the high-end forum.