The 2019 annual meeting and award ceremony of Tongfang law firm was successfully

time:2019-01-11  author:Tongfang news  source:

A new year brings about a renewal of everything. In a blink of an eye, the busy year of 2018 has passed, and the year of 2019 full of expectations is coming to us. At this time point, Tongfang law firm solemnly held the annual meeting with the theme of "20 years of endeavor, mid stream hitting water and starting again" at Wanxin International Hotel on January 11, 2019. It brings together colleagues from Shenyang, Dalian, Beijing and Anshan to renew friendship and seek development and talk about a better future.
The annual meeting was kicked off by the final of the "third Tongfang eight minute speech contest", which was divided into three parts: the 2018 annual summary meeting, the award ceremony and the 2019 welcome party. The whole atmosphere of the annual meeting was warm, full of vitality and passion, showing the spirit of unity, progress and positive progress of the same party.
On the morning of January 11, under the chairmanship of the hired lawyer Lin Lin, the "third Tongfang eight minute speech" entered the final stage. A total of 9 contestants participated in the competition. The theme of the competition was "lawyer's dream". The eloquent speeches of the contestants showed the enthusiasm, wisdom and youth of Tongfang lawyers.
Time is like a dream, and time is like a song. At this time when Tongfang is about to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute, Tongfang's colleagues will review the work achievements in 2018 and think about 2019 together. The summing up meeting was presided over by the senior partner, Lawyer Chen Linlin. The new lawyers and partners of the same party appeared one by one, bringing blessings to everyone and building a new year's vision.
Lawyer Yang Xingquan, director of Tongfang office, made an inspiring summary. First of all, director Yang extended a warm welcome to colleagues from all branches of Tongfang. Then, while affirming the fruitful achievements in 2018, he accurately analyzed the areas that the law firm still needs to improve in its development, identified the "three major topics" of Tongfang in 2019, and proposed that under the current situation of rapid changes in the legal industry and the legal service market, Tongfang should quickly, in place The reaction degree is strongly improved. Knowing the past is not afraid of the future.
Lawyer Ma Linping, director of Dalian branch office, made a keynote speech on "brilliant lawyer dream", describing the appearance of those highly respected lawyers when they were young, and led us to review the development history of Tongfang in the past 20 years.
At the end of the meeting, senior partner Chen Hongjun, partner Zhou Shuang, lawyer Li Bin, employed lawyer Gai Wentao, lawyer Qi Wei and lawyer Zhao Jing made wonderful speeches respectively. They expressed their pride and pride as lawyers of the same party, and also put forward their expectations and suggestions. We look forward to the work in 2019 and bring new year's greetings.
Looking back on 2018, Tongfang people wrote a new dream of the times with passion and emotion and created a new glory for Tongfang. In this fruitful year, we have found a group of extraordinary colleagues through comprehensive evaluation of work attitude, work performance, voting and other contents.
Sixteen awards including "gorgeous transformation Award", "Performance Improvement Award", "touching filial piety Award", "spring breeze warm heart Contribution Award", "excellent style award" and "marketing Champion Award" were selected. Every winner's face shows pride and pride. They are marching with firm steps towards a more splendid future. While drawing a perfect end to 2018, they have also created a good beginning for 2019.
At the dawn of the lantern, the elegant cheongsam and the handsome suit are well matched with the red carpet. Tongfang's talented people love work and life more. Take off the pressure of work, walk on the red carpet with a beautiful mood, dressed in full clothes, it can be said that the stars shine and the charm is full!
With the shining appearance of the host, the welcome party of Tongfang law firm officially opened. Yao Jiye, Bai Siqi, Ding Yunpeng and Liu Zhihan were the moderators of the evening party. The four hosts' witty remarks and witty conversation pushed the party to another climax. The scene was bright with lights, climaxes and applause. The atmosphere of the new year and joy were everywhere.
Songs, dances, crosstalk, recitations, sketches... The programs are wonderful, the interpretation is beautiful, the passion and style of Tongfang people are interpreted, and the side of the people of Tongfang is also shown.
During the party, the same party presented birthday cakes to the lawyers of this calendar year who celebrated their birthday on the day of the annual meeting and whose zodiac is a pig. We hope that all of you will have a happy and prosperous future in this calendar year. We also organized rich and interesting lottery activities to lead everyone to welcome the "good start" of 2019 with the luck of the New Year!
Finally, the party ended with the chorus of "the same song" sung by the lawyers of the same party. Everyone sat down for dinner, drank happily, and filled with laughter. The happy time is always so short, and the reunion day is particularly exciting. In this beautiful night, in this joyous moment, let us remember the hard journey and brilliant achievements, and let's start again!