Gathering together and learning from others' strong points -- the meeting of all

time:2019-01-06  author:Attorney of the same party  source:

On January 6, 2019, the meeting of all partners of Tongfang law firm was successfully held in the conference room on the 6th floor of Wanxin international building. 30 partners including Yang Xingquan, director of Tongfang office, Cao Yuanjun, Chen Linlin, Zhang Xinhui and Han Ying, members of the management committee, attended the meeting to discuss Tongfang's future development goals and management measures.
The meeting adopted the rules for the establishment of institutions of the same party, the rules for the management committee and the rules for the executive supervisor. Director Yang Xingquan comprehensively summarized and analyzed the work of Tongfang institute since 2015. Over the past four years, Tongfang has achieved rapid development. The number of practicing lawyers will soon exceed 150, the office area will increase to nearly 2600 square meters, and the business income will nearly double. However, in the new era, we are facing new problems. Tongfang has many areas that need to be improved and improved. We need every partner and lawyer to work together to improve and solve them.
The general meeting of partners elected lawyer Yang Xingquan as the director of the new management committee and Lawyer Liu Hong as the new executive supervisor by secret ballot according to the institutional setup scheme and rules of Tongfang law firm. According to the nomination of director Yang Xingquan, all the partners voted and passed. The senior partners, lawyer Cao Yuanjun, Lawyer Chen Linlin, Lawyer Zhang Xinhui, lawyer Wu Jianping and lawyer Han Ying, were members of the new management committee, of which 5 were re elected, which confirmed the affirmation and recognition of all the partners for the development of the same party in the past four years.
One person walks fast, a group of people walk far. At the end of the meeting, all partners put forward their own ideas and suggestions on the management work, market development, internal cooperation, young lawyer training and other issues of the same party. The members of the new management committee all said that they will not live up to everyone's expectations in the future, and will certainly fulfill their duties. With the support and cooperation of all lawyers and staff of the office, they will earnestly implement and implement various work and make the development of Tongfang better.
2019 will be the "reform year" of Tongfang. All partners of Tongfang will continue to lead the lawyers of Tongfang to pool their strength, learn from the people, never forget their original intention, and create the future together, and make concerted efforts to write a new chapter in the development of Tongfang, so as to welcome the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Tongfang.